My Ode to a Lemon

My ode to a lemonA lemon a day keeps.. Your skin glowing?  Yes!  This simple fruit has changed my diet and skin regimen for the better.

Start each morning with a cup of warm water and the juice of half a lemon. This will jumpstart your metabolism for the rest of the day.  The lemon's high concentrate of vitamin C will flush your blood of toxins keeping your skin rejuvenated and clear! The benefits of this simple morning routine can go on and on, so I'll stick with the important stuff; weight loss and clear skin.. Need I say more?

I like to squeeze every use I can out of a lemon, so, at the end of the day I will take the other half of the lemon I used in my morning water and create my favorite DIY face masque.

Things you'll need:

  • Juice of half a lemon

  • One egg white

Directions for Masque:Crack the egg white into a bowl, whisk until it has a merengue like consistency, add the juice of your lemon, mix together, and apply to a clean dry face. Leave on for 20 minutes and let it work it's magic!Benefits of Masque:Egg whites are a natural and effective way to treat acne and firm skin. You will feel the masque tighten on your face as you wear it.Lemons are a natural and effective skin brightener, and blackhead magnet. Lemon juice aids discoloration from age and acne marks, giving you an even and bright complexion. While fading unwanted skin marks, the lemon juice will also loosen blackheads in your skin and tighten your pores.

My favorite part about this masque is how you can feel it working, and the results come quickly. I suggest using this masque once or twice a week.

Adding the lemon regimen to your daily/weekly routine will make your life brighter, literally!
