'Masquing' Your Problem Skin



My weekly skin regimen always includes a masque day, the best day … I think of it as a weekly rehab session for my face.  My most recent obsession is Glam Glow SuperMud, designed for problematic skin types: enlarged pores, blackheads, frequent breakouts, scars, etc.  The amazing thing about this masque is that you can watch it working.  After a hot shower when your pores are open, put on a thin layer, let it dry, and voilà!  It extracts dirt/oils/blackheads to the point where you can actually see them emerge from your pores!

WARNING: Seeing yourself in this masque might scare you, and will definitely scare others, so spare the ones you love by ‘masquing’ alone.  You’ll avoid, “Ewww-aahh!”

The results are immediate:  Refreshed, soft, and brighter skin.  My skin actually does ‘glow’ when I remove it.  You may find it leaves your skin a bit dry, so don’t skip your normal nightly moisturizer.  And, like many products, it works over time.  Using this once a week for the past 4 weeks I have seen a tremendous improvement in the look and feel of my skin.

Unfortunately this product cleans out your wallet as well as it cleans out your pores!  So, try this product before purchasing it.  You can get a free sample at Sephora to see how it works for your skin.  I’m betting you’ll find it’s worth the extra $$!

Purchase Glam Glow SuperMud!