Gray Roots

Root Crayon

Shocked at how quickly those pesky gray hairs appear?

Can’t get a hair appointment until next week? WHAT!

Have an upcoming event?

Considering RSVPing NO to a party?

Wait…I’ve got your covered…literally!

I’ve tried them all, sprays, powders and tinted mascaras. I have officially found the piece de resistance for root touch ups.

Bumble and Bumble Bb Color stick.

Here is why I love it:

  • Easy to use

  • Travels well. Perfect size for purse, gym bag, briefcase * TSA approved

  • Incredible staying power * Stays on until you wash it out * Lasts through a workout!

  • Does not stain scalp or hands

  • All colors blend beautifully into current hair color (comes in Brown, blond, black, red and dark blond)

    Don’t miss out on anything in life…..


Tracilee Messina